Hello! I am Jenny Lind.
I am a Full-stack Software Developer in Malmö, Sweden.

Learn more

What I do

Things I am skilled at and passionate about

Immersed in the world of website development since 1998, navigating a continuous learning journey that led me to specialise in Full-Stack JavaScript development. I thrive in addressing business logic but also ensuring the delivery of refined, user-friendly and accessible outcomes. With experience from product companies, advertising agencies, startups, and freelancing, I am a creative force that brings a mix of technical proficiency, strategic thinking and a comprehensive perspective, ideal for the problem-solving that I am passionate about.


As a full-stack developer, these are some of the technologies I apply.

  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • REST
  • Usability
  • React.JS
  • Redux
  • Styled-components
  • HTML
  • WCAG
  • CSS
  • SASS
  • Node.JS
  • Express.JS
  • WordPress
  • Docker
  • PHP
  • Django
  • Python
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • GraphQL
  • MongoDB
  • Webpack
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Postman
  • Jest
  • Mocha
  • TDD


Selected projects

  • Node.JS
  • Expres.JS
  • PostgreSQL
  • React.JS
  • REST Api
  • Docker
  • Firebase


As our final project during the </SALT> training I took charge of the backend and made a REST-api with Node.js and Express.js. I also contributed to the frontend with React.js.

Team: Me, Elias Helander and Raghul Mohan

  • REST Api
  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • React
  • JavaScript
  • SASS

Activity Tracker

Track your workouts with this app! My React + REST app as a "hackday" (24 hour) project during the </SALT> training.

  • ReactJS
  • Axios
  • Infinite scroll
  • Custom hooks
  • Giphy API

Infinite Gifs

React app with infinite scroll, custom hooks, history state and local storage.

  • React
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS

React TO-DO-app

A React app that lets you create and edit your todo-list, and even stores it in the browser for you until next time. Weekend project during the </SALT> training.

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS

JavaScript TO-DO-app

A vanilla JavaScript app that lets you create and edit your todo-list, and even stores it in the browser for you until next time. Weekend project during the </SALT> training.

More about me

Jenny Lind

I am Jenny Lind, a Full-Stack Software developer in Malmö. My passion lies in crafting user-friendly and innovative solutions. I thrive on problem-solving, which is why I'm drawn to coding. My superpower is thinking outside the box, I excel at finding creative ways to make things work seamlessly.

I find great joy in the simple pleasures of life, such as engaging in board games, ping pong matches, and friendly rounds of pool. When the rhythm calls, you'll often catch me on the dance floor, swaying to the infectious beats of swing music, or orchestrating tunes as a DJ or event planner. I love exploring both nearby and faraway places, from hidden gems to distant lands. During my travels, I've had thrilling experiences like diving into World War II shipwrecks, going as deep as 40 meters. Along the way, I've shared unforgettable moments with fascinating marine life, from playful penguins to majestic whalesharks and graceful sea lions.